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We sent this email below to recruit some good quality actors/actresses for our our opening sequence. This email was sent to students at our college to give them an opportunity to act if they are interested. In the coming days after we recived responses signalling their availabilty to perform in our production which proved to be a huge success. Below is the email:

This is an interview that we put together, it took place after the auditions and we had already chosen our actors to play the roles. We explained their roles and the costumes they should wear when playing the roles. This meant that at this stage we were on the verge of filming and were able to use the cast to the best of our ability. We were delighted with the outcome!

Below is a video of us taking photograps during the photoshoot, here we got our characters into different poses in a way to demonstrate their stereotypes. Another technique we used to do this was to dress each of our characters in clothing that we thought would fit the stereotypes. For example; our 'Jock' character wears a basketball vest to show that he playes on the school basketball team.

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