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Type- Face Ideas

Immediately after coming to the decision of using 'Too School For Cool' as the title idea for our opening sequence we looked at possibilities for the font/type-face that we would use. We knew that we wanted a title which was eye catching in a way where it was fun, bold and suited school life.

We were aware that our title held great importance as it would appear in all of our products so it needed to be fitting to our attract our target audience. In our first stage we used the internet to look for a font that we liked and also created designs on Photoshop so we could modify and edit titles to our liking.

Stage 1:

Next, we came up with idea of adapting the title so that it read '2 School 4 Cool' as we felt that it appeared a lot more attractive and streamlined. Plus it would have a better chance of catching they eye of our target audience as it is more catchy and modern.

Stage 2:

We designed and chose this as our end product title. We used a variation of orange, pink and blue which creates a gender neutral mix and therefore attracts our target audience of both boys and girls.

We feel this title suits are show the most and directly links to the the characters with their different personalities. It is very much modern looking and would fit perfectly in a high school environment. 

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